NABRA Hopes to Compete With USA Cycling

nabraAn Oregon-based group has launched the North American Bicycle Racing Association, or NABRA, born out of the frustration with UCI/USAC’s restrictions even before the recent rule clarification. Current focus appears, for now, to be on Cyclocross, Oregon Bicycling Racing Association events and other races with which OBRA has some familiarity. But the hope appears to be that this will expand and stand as a legitimate alternative to USA Cycling and the UCI.

“It was basically a reaction to the first time they came to us and said they would no longer allow dual-sanctioned races or permit UCI-licensed pros to compete in our races here in Oregon,” explained [Kenji] Sugahara, “…our membership loves what OBRA does here in Oregon, we create a lot of value for our customer, we have a good product and a good community, and that is something we feel we can produce across the whole country.”

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